Wednesday, May 23, 2007

End of Day: Winner Turns Into a Loss

I have been unable to watch the market as I frequently as I would like this week. When that happens, I usually swing trade. But the market has been looking toppy lately, and I haven’t felt comfortable about holding anything overnight. So I have been putting in buy stop orders on stocks that were about to break out, and checking in on the position every half hour or so; adjusting stops accordingly. My order for MA was filled today at a terrible $141.94 and missed my chance to take a profit. I was hoping this stock would gain momentum throughout the day, but it didn’t. I tightened my stop, and was eventually stopped out for a loss. I suppose I could have held it, but we are due for a correction, and I didn’t want to take any risks. So here’s my result for the day:

MA: -$.81

Losing is never fun.

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